PLASCON WOODCARE INTERIOR is a decorative Wood Preservative which gives efficient protection to timber against insect and fungus attack, renders the surface water resistant and retains a natural appearance. Get PLASCON WOODCARE INTERIOR in Nairobi, Kenya from Rangi Paint Store.
You can also enquire for a pinotex color chart or for all plascon paints prices in nairobi, kenya from Rangi Paint Store.
This pinotex wood paint is commonly known as pinotex wood oil and usually come in three colors namely; red, wood and mahogany. It’s indeed the best wood paint or timber paint available.
Surface dirt should be removed by brushing before a coat of pinotex mahogany or any other type of pinotex is applied.
Rangi Paint Store provides a pinotex color chart for a wide selection of your preferred color.
- pinotex wood paint is normally used on new or suitably prepared existing timber.
- pinotex wood oil can also be used indoors for wood without worries due to the raw materials.
mainah –
Pinotext is the best wood care preservative paint in the market from Plascon